4 easy ways to detect ovulation at home

4 easy ways to detect ovulation at home

Tracking ovulation or the fertility window is an integral part of making pregnancy decisions, whether to prevent pregnancy or to go ahead with it. There are many available methods in the market to track the ovulation cycle. Let’s discuss some of the easy and natural ways of detecting the ovulation cycle in the comfort of your home. Always speak to your gynecologist regarding any complications and proceed with care.

Basal body temperature method
This basal body temperature refers to the internal body temperature, which is noted when you first wake up in the morning. This body temperature typically changes throughout the menstrual cycle, where it is usually at around 96-98 degrees Fahrenheit, while during the ovulation period, the temperature usually changes to 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit. This is due to the increased levels of progesterone levels in the body. So it is usually recommended that you detect your ovulation cycle by taking your body temperature and noting it down every morning for a few days.

Menstrual tracking
This is a very straightforward method of tracking your ovulation cycle. You can either use an app to track your cycle or even do a calculation on your own. Every female with a uterus has a 28-day menstrual cycle which involves the ovulation period as well. This period usually lasts for about 8-9 days and differs from person to person according to the period date. Using an app can be more reliable than struggling to get the calculation right, as it is possible to make mistakes. 

Cervical mucus
Another natural way to detect the ovulation cycle is to notice the vaginal discharge throughout the month. Vaginal discharge is extremely normal, and every female experiences it. However, during the ovulation cycle, the discharge is usually more distinct than the rest of the days. The consistency and texture change, becoming more like egg white, and that is when it is usually understood that the female is on her ovulation cycle. It is noticed that the discharge usually lasts for two to three days during this fertile period.

Ovulation predictor kits
This can be bought from any pharmacy, and it is essentially a kit that tells you if you are ovulating. Just like a pregnancy test, you have to pee on the stick and wait for the lines to appear; two lines mean you are ovulating, whereas one line means you are not. There are digital sticks also available that show a smiley face if you are ovulating. That said, the accuracy of these kits depends on the regularity of the periods.